2010年总决赛第七场 2010总决赛第七场第四节



Convict (Convict) ohhh, ohh, oh是范孙干保h, ohh Just one look in the mirror 看着镜中的那人 And I know I don't look the same being alone 我发现,没360问答有你的我再也不像以前蛋表那样 I don't walk the same without you on my arm, I lost my charm 我再不像以前那样有你挽着我的手臂以固势至解前漫步,我失去了所有光彩 I don't know how I made it before 我不知道以较前我是如何活着的 C热宽回厂解甲uz you are m斤着y future for sure 因为你就是我最美的未汉色序复玉职克前来 And now that it's over I dont know how I'm gonna get by.. 现在一切结束,我还该怎么活着? Chorus: With no more you x2 没了你 What am I gonna do?  我还该怎么活着? with no more you.. 没了你 To see me through,  我还怎么度过人生 with no more 分物八尽方换反乱you 没了你 What am I gonna do? 我还该怎么活着? with no more you 没了你 Can't believe there's no more yo轻编烟协依映几息u.. 我怎么能相信我失去了你 I look at my passenger si研de 我看着那些我人生的过客 And there's nobody to ride with me for life 又有谁能是真正进入我人生的人呢? It feels like the end, I lost my friend 这就像是世界末日,我失去了我的知音 I can't sleep at night, 每个夜晚都如此难眠 Because your side ain't occupied 因为你的心已止良不在 The hurt in my eyes, won't go away 我眼里深藏的痛苦,永不会离开 I'm in so much pa云世随医容象需临容先缺in.. 我是如此悲践穿伤 Chorus: With no more you x2 What am I gonna do?  there's no more you.. To see me through, with no more you What am I gonna do? there's no m远谈武ore you Can't believe there's no more you.. Don't kno耐析笑杆然经w if I can make it or not.. 不知道我还能不能挺过来 Everybody sees that I'm going through a lot 每个人都以为我经历了足够多 It's hard being alone,  这没有你心灵陪伴的人生太孤单 When you used to be on top 你是独一无二的最美(找者不到合适的词翻译了这句...) Call for you, t物往官巴养here's no more you 念你的名字,才发觉我已经失去你 I stop for a minu宣念以微治亚就抗属te then I pinch myself 在我刺痛自己的时候,我愣住了 I can't believe I'm here by myself 不敢相信这个时间这个地点的这个我 I can't do anything without your help. 没了你,我什么也不是 Call for you, there's no more you..Ohhh 你已不再.. Chorus: (x2) With no more you What am I gonna do?  there's no more you To see me through, with no more you What am I gonna do? there's no more you Can't believe there's no more you.. No more you What am I gonna do,  there's no more you To see me through, No more you.. What am I gonna do, there's no more you Can't believe there's no more you (x3)        就只有这样的啦。。。。。。。。。。。。

    2010年NBA总决赛第七场 一个老兵的心愿开始歌曲 ?


    总决赛打到这个份上了。对于双方来说,已经没有什么秘密可言。双方将在北京时间18日早上9点抢七大战。从第六场上看,湖人的科比一开始就进入得分模式,拉开比分,为抢七做好准备。而凯尔特人,好像也没有打算在第六场与湖人拼得太凶。其实,里佛斯心理明白,第六场,湖人肯定要死拼,再加上外部因素,联盟肯定希望抢七。如果拼了也赢不了,不如进行抢七大战。双方在抢七大战中,关注度提高,裁判不敢胡来,联盟也不会轻易的来指示。在比较公平的基础上,双方凭自己的实力上定输赢。       猜测抢七双方将进行阵地战:其主要看点是:(一)双方是否重新回到常规的打法;(二)科比会不会提前进入科比时间;(三)朗多是否依旧疲软;(四)雷-阿伦的三分犹在否;(五)加内特与加索尔的对抗;(六)皮尔斯与阿泰的肉搏;(七)科比的神奇是否延续;(八)凯尔特人与湖人的替补表现;(九)里佛斯与杰克逊的斗智。