奥尼尔视频 邓肯99年季后赛VS奥尼尔视频
谁有NBA历史50佳球的视频地址?NBA历史上50大球星1996年11月,NBA总部邀请50名资深篮球专家汇聚一堂,投票选出他们心目中的NBA历史上最伟大的50名球员。NBA事前不设任何标准,也对球员的角色没有任何限制,只要求他们每人写出各自认为的最伟大的50个人,然后根据他们提供的名单,选举出得票最多的50人。 这些篮球专家本身具有广泛的代表性,他们有的是球队教练和主管,有的是新闻媒体的资深伏运记者和专栏作家,有的自己以前就是NBA历史上威名最盛的球员。 在纪念NBA诞生50周年之际,这个NBA50杰的名单一出,立即引起巨大的轰动,四方褒贬也各自不同。其他权威体育报刊也纷纷跟进,选出他们自己心目中的NBA50杰。但经过比较,贺厅中人们最后不得不承认,还是NBA的这份名单最公证,也最具权威性。 这50名球员共获得了107个NBA总冠军,入选过400多次NBA最佳阵容,得分近100万分。 中锋 比尔·拉塞尔 Bill Russell 比尔·沃尔顿 Bill Walton 戴夫·考恩斯 Dave Cowens *戴维·罗宾逊 David Robinson 乔治·迈肯 George Milkan *哈基姆·奥拉朱旺 Hakeem Olajuwon 卡里姆·阿卜杜·贾巴尔 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 摩西·马龙 Moses Malone 奈特·瑟蒙德 Nate Thumond *帕特里克·尤因 Patrick Ewing *沙奎尔·奥尼尔 Shaquille O'Neal 罗伯特·帕里什 Robert Parish 韦斯·昂塞尔德 Wes Unseld 威利斯·里德 Willis Reed 威尔特·张伯伦 Wilt Chamberlain 前锋 鲍勃·佩蒂特 Bob Pettit 查尔斯·巴克利 Charles Barkley 戴夫·德布斯切尔 Dave Debusschere 多尔夫·谢伊斯 Dolph Schayes 埃尔金·贝勒 Elgin Baylor 埃尔文·海耶斯 Elvin Hayes 詹姆斯·沃西 James Worthy 杰里·卢卡斯 Jerry Lucas 约翰·哈夫利切克 John Havlicek 朱利叶斯·欧文 Julius Erving *卡尔·马龙 Karl Malone 凯文·麦克海尔 Kevin Mchale 拉里·伯德 Larry Bird 保罗·阿里金 Paul Arizin 里克·巴里 Rick Barry *斯科蒂·皮蓬 Scottie Pippen 后卫 比尔·阿尔曼 Bill Sharman 比利·坎宁安 Billy Cunningham 鲍勃·库锡 Bob Cousy 克莱德·德雷克斯勒 Clyde Drexler 戴夫·宾 Dave Bing 埃尔·门罗 Earl Monroe 埃禅山文·约翰逊 Earvin Johnson 乔治·格温 George Gervin 哈尔·格瑞尔 Hal Greer 伊塞亚·托马斯 Isiah Thomas 杰里·韦斯特 Jerry West *约翰·斯托克顿 John Stockton 伦尼·威尔肯斯 Lenny Wilkens *迈克尔·乔丹 Michael Jordan 奈特·阿奇博尔德 Nate Archibald 奥斯卡·罗伯逊 Oscar Robertson 皮特·马拉维奇 Pete Maravich 萨姆·琼斯 Sam Jones 沃尔特·弗雷泽 Walter Frazier你好,希望采纳! 求两个篮球视频的背景音乐,喜欢奥尼尔和姚明的看一下第一个是Smash Mouth 的all star 专辑:zona 40 后面销灶一个打不开Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb In the shape of an "L" on her forehead Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running Didn't make sense not to live for fun Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb So much to do so much to see So what's wrong with taking the back streets You'll never know if you don't go You'll never shine if you don't glow [Chorus:] Hey now you're an All Star get your game on, go play Hey now you're a Rock Star get the show on get paid And all that glitters is gold Only shooting stars break the mold It's a cool place and they say it gets colder You're bundled up now but wait 'til you get older But the meteor men beg to differ Judging by the hole in the satellite picture The ice we skate is getting pretty thin The waters getting warm so you might as well swim My world's on fire how about yours That's the way I like it and I never get bored [Repeat Chorus 2x] Somebody once asked could I spare some change for gas I need to get myself away from this place I said yep what a concept I could use a little fuel myself And we could all use a little change Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming Fed to the rule and I hit the ground running Didn't make sense not to live for fun Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb So much to do so much to see So what's wrong with taking the back streets You'll never know if you don't go You'll never shine if you don't glow [Repeat Chorus]第二个我听了很姿档长时间 把听出的单词亏册扮拿去找,但是很抱歉还是没找到,我明天再来试试 看看这个奥尼尔的视频,那个和奥尼尔对打的人怎么不打nba?那人估计也是7尺吧是WWE那个吗?!奥尼尔不只是高和壮。而且非常灵活记得有次全明星的时候,赛前热身奥尼尔和乔丹对打玩玩,奥尼尔用乔丹最擅长的背身打进一球,是纯用脚步奥尼尔演过那些电影???沙奎尔·奥尼尔参与的电影:《惊声尖笑4 Scary Movie 4 》 (2006) ...Shaq《 WWE Royal Rumble 》 (2006) ...Himself《 The JammX Kids All Star Dance Special 》 (2006) ...Himself《 Forbes Celebrity 100: Who Made Bank? 》 (2006) ...Himself《 The Second JammX Kids All Star Dance Special 》 (2006) ...Himself《孩子和我 The Kid I 》 (2005) ...Shaq《姚明年/挑战者姚明 The Year of the Yao 》 (2004) ...Himself《日落之后/鬼胆神偷/合盗偷天 After the Sunset 》 (2004) ...Himself《 MTV Video Music Awards 2004 》 (2004) ...Himself - Presenter《 "The 2004 NBA Finals" 》 (2004) ...Himself (Center - LA Lakers)《 1 Love 》 (2003) ...Himself《 "Season Pass" 》 (2003) ...Himself《 Spike TV VGA Video Game Awards 》 (2003) ...Himself《 Coaching the Minors 》 (2003) ...Himself《 The Bros. 》 (2002) ...Himself《 Straight Clownin' 》 (2002) ...Himself《 Apple Pie 》 (2002) ...As Himself《洗车行 The Wash 》 (2001) ...Norman《家有顽童 Freddy Got Fingered 》 (2001) ...Shaquille《 Source Awards 2001 》 (2001) ...Presenter《 1st Annual BET Awards 》 (2001) ...Himself《 MTV Icon: Janet Jackson 》 (2001) ...Himself《 Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2 》 (2000) ...Himself (voice)《 The Story of Fathers Sons 》 (1999) ...Himself《单挑 He Got Game 》 (1998) ...Himself《 "Cousin Skeeter" 》 (1998) ...(unknown episodes)《魔鬼任务 Steel 》 (1997) ...John Henry Irons/Steel《魔鬼任务 Steel 》 (1997) ...executive producer《汉饱总动员 Good Burger 》 (1997) ...Himself《 "Electric Playground" 》 (1997) ...(1 episode, 2000)《精灵也疯狂 Kazaam 》 (1996) ...executive producer《精灵也疯狂 Kazaam 》 (1996) ...Kazaam《特别效果 Special Effects: Anything Can Happen 》 (1996) ...Himself《 "Atlanta 1996: Games of the XXVI Olympiad" 》 (1996) ...Himself《火爆教头 Blue Chips 》 (1994) ...Neon《 CB4 》 (1993) ...Himself |


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