

今日湖人VS太阳直播 今天湖人VS太阳直播 10月30日NBA常规赛湖人对太阳直播视频录像观看CCTV5



According to reports, the Boston celtics ESPN manager Danny ainge shocking to act in the game, the Cleveland game, players throw towel interference knight free throws.As a player, Angelina is a "hate" player, general manager, ainge also an "hate" general manager. In the eastern conference finals in the second game in the third quarter, from the television broadcast, can see, when knights striker hixson J.J. - at the free-throw line,The celtics general manager of MLB Jersey action, anji shooting a white towel throw into the air, interference and eriksson free throws.Ainge was sitting behind the basket on the right side of the first knight in a seat, hixson shots, prepared from a caddy that rob to a towel. Then, with 1:53 seconds in heshbon, eriksson for the second time, the free throw into the air, towel to make eriksson distraction.At that time,wholesale NBA jerseys, the celtics 80-57 lead a knight, big 104-86 win over the last knight. Although encounters anji interference, but eriksson was still hit that ball. The NBA spokesman Tim frank said, alliance already know Angelina did,NFL jerseys On Sale, and situation is under investigation.On the first free throws eriksson when angie then stood up, but is only move slightly body movement, and then sit down, the first free eriksson not the situation. A few drums,Knight coach mike brown, who said he saw anji throw towel. "In the game to see the behavior is very interesting anji. If this is allowed by the rules, this time, you will do all you can to win things. Just conform to the rules will do." Brown said.Anji did not immediately return telephone, the celtics team spokesman Jeff - said tevez to "nothing".Anji before retiring in 1995 in 15 years,NFL Jersey, respectively for the celtics, Sacramento, the Portland trail blazers and phoenix SUNS team. He had deeply angered the center had eagle that terry rawlins other beat him. When he was at the sun, 1997, his player Robert horry has been quarrelling with him and threw him into the towel.





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